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Is the gas valve closed or not? What is the relationship with gas rubber pipe


Safe attention

The kitchen is an important place for family safety, and the gas valve is an important switch for using gas. Although turning off the gas valve is just a simple little action, if there is an accident, it is not a problem that can be handled quietly.

gas tap

Gas valve is the safe installation of gas rubber pipe and related gas equipment, which is used to cut off and connect the gas in the rubber pipe and has controllability and sealing.

Is the gas valve closed every day? On this issue, many people hold different opinions. Some people think it's too much trouble. They have to turn it off every time they use it, and they have to turn it on again if they use it again. They simply don't turn it off. Others say that if the valve is always turned off, it will cause wear and tear of the valve. So, which valves need to be closed frequently and which valves don't need to be moved frequently? Let's understand it for you today!

Gas stove valve           

The gas stove valve is the most widely used valve. The valve must be closed after each use!

Tail valve           

As the control valve between the gas rubber pipe and the connecting hose, the tail valve mainly controls the application of the gas stove. If you use rubber hoses at home, you must open the tail valve every night before going to bed for safety.

What are rubber hoses afraid of?

Rat bite. It is understood that rats are rodents. In order to fight against the growing teeth, they need to grind their teeth and like to find something that has both hard and soft to bite. Secondly, rubber pipes and hoses have a common rubber smell, and close to the stove, there is more residual oil, and rats prefer smelling objects, so it is easy to bite rubber pipes.

Aging and cracking rubber pipes are prone to aging and cracking due to long-term bending and gas pressure. When in use, the rubber tube should not be close to the stove surface, so as not to be exacerbated by the flame barbecue aging; Don't press or fold the rubber pipe, because it will not only affect the gas supply, but also easily cause damage to the rubber pipe.
