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There is gasoline smell in the car. Is it the leakage of gasoline rubber pipe?

What's the matter with the smell of gasoline in the car

1. Too full of gasoline:

This is the reason why there is gasoline smell in the car in the daily driving process. Many people like to fill up when refueling. If the fuel in the tank is too full, the gasoline enters the carbon canister along the rubber pipe on the smooth road. If the external circulation is on, the gasoline smell will enter the car through the external circulation. This situation is generally easy to deal with, and it will disappear after driving for a period of time, Therefore, you should pay attention when filling the car. Don't fill it too full. It's not safe. The second is to increase the fuel consumption of the car. If you often drive in the urban area, you can add half a box of oil, which can prevent the above phenomenon and reduce the fuel consumption of the car. If you go out to refuel, you can add it to the jump gun, and try not to fill it too full.

2. Gasoline rubber pipe shows leakage:

When driving, the gasoline pipe shows leakage, and the gasoline smell can also enter the car along the air conditioning system. If you encounter this situation, you need to stop in time for inspection, open the engine compartment cover, and check whether there is leakage at the interface of the rubber pipe, so as to prevent direct touch with your hands. Because the temperature is relatively high, if you touch it with your hands rashly, you may be scalded. If it is the leakage of the gasoline rubber pipe, it can be fastened Repair the interface or replace the gasket to deal with it. If it is more serious, call for help to prevent more serious problems when I repair it.

3. Aging of carbon canister rubber pipeline:

For vehicles that have been used for a long time, the rubber parts are easy to show the phenomenon of aging, and the connection between the carbon canister and the starter is stopped by the rubber pipe. With the extension of the use time, this rubber pipe will show leakage due to aging. After the leakage, it will enter the engine room along the pipe and enter the vehicle through the air conditioner. After inspection, if there is gasoline smell in the vehicle caused by the aging of the rubber pipe, It is necessary to change the rubber pipe in time to prevent some other problems when driving, which will cause unnecessary losses to the car owner.
